Thursday, January 31, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Ripple Carry Adder in Verilog
1 bit Full Adder behavioral Model
module fa_1b(input a, input b, input c_in, output reg sum, output reg c_out);
always @ (a or b or c_in)
{c_out, sum} = a + b + c_in;
4 bit Ripple Carry Adder using 1 bit Full Adder
module rca_4bit(input [3:0] a, input [3:0] b, input c_in, output [4:0] sum);
wire c1, c2, c3;
fa_1b fa1(.a(a[0]), .b(b[0]), .c_in(c_in), .sum(sum[0]), .c_out(c1));
fa_1b fa2(.a(a[1]), .b(b[1]), .c_in(c1), .sum(sum[1]), .c_out(c2));
fa_1b fa3(.a(a[2]), .b(b[2]), .c_in(c2), .sum(sum[2]), .c_out(c3));
fa_1b fa4(.a(a[3]), .b(b[3]), .c_in(c3), .sum(sum[3]), .c_out(sum[4]));
endmodule // rca_4bit
Testbench for 4 bit Ripple Carry Adder
module rca_tb();
reg [3:0] a;
reg [3:0] b;
reg c_in;
wire [4:0] sum;
integer i, j, k, num_correct, num_wrong;
reg [4:0] check;
reg [8:0] rand;
/* Unomment the version to test */
rca_4bit ra4b (.a(a), .b(b), .c_in(c_in), .sum(sum)); /* Testing Ripple Carry Adder */
initial begin
num_correct = 0;
num_wrong = 0;
/* Doing exhaustive testing total number of cases are 2^4 * 2^4 * 2 = 512 */
/* Only some random values will be printed */
$display("\n\n===Testing 4 bit Ripple Carry Adder ===\n");
$display("Printing Some random cases only\n");
$display("c_in + a + b = sum (correct)\n");
for(k=0; k<=1; k=k+1) begin c_in = k;
for(i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin
a = i;
for(j=0; j<16; j=j+1) begin
b = j;
check[4:0] = a + b + c_in;
/* Display some random values */
rand[8:0] = $random;
if(rand[8:5] == 4'b1001) $display("%b + %d + %d = %d (%d) ", c_in, a, b, sum, check);
/* Counter for exhaustive testing */
if(sum == check) num_correct = num_correct + 1;
else num_wrong = num_wrong + 1;
$display("Num Correct = %d\nNum Wrong = %d", num_correct, num_wrong);
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Hey There !!
Hello this is my first blog. I'll post technical news as and when I will get time. Make sure to check back from time to tome for useful stuff.
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